MS Word - "Track Changes" won't work


Hey, Muzzin! My colleagues and I are having a problem with MS Word at work - we’d like to Track Changes in some reports we are collaborating on, but that option is grayed out. The reports all come from one template the State sent us to use and modify for each child. I use “template” loosely, because it is not technically a Template. It’s a Word Document, and in fact the details show that it was created in Microsoft Word 1997-2003. (Yeah. I know. You probably weren’t even born in 1997.) Portions of this document have been locked to us. Would this explain why we aren’t allowed to Track Changes? I looked in Help and it doesn’t address the issue. Oh - and one time I got a little frustrated and mashed the keyboard, and suddenly had Track Changes activated - except then I didn’t want it. And of course there’s no way to replicate it.

As far as hardware, we have a variety of devices, but all Windows. And we also access our documents through SharePoint, but I don’t think that should matter. You can open documents in Online MSWord if you want to in SharePoint, but I don’t. I use the regular program on my computer, which is the 2013 version.


I am not a fan of the Office suite — the Mac OS X version is undesirable to say the least. Before we continue, I would recommend that you create a new document in the latest version of Word (that you own) and copy the contents of the old document into it. You might notice that when saving this new document, the extension will be docx instead of the original document’s doc — a practice first implemented in Microsoft programs in 2007. If the original document already is a docx, then it was not truly created in Word 2003 or earlier; however, I would still recommend starting over in a new document. Wipe the slate clean, but copy the old contents back in. Keep in mind that file-sharing services such as SharePoint often contain their own revision tracking; you may benefit from knowing just what features you have access to and how they compare to your current abilities (or in your case, non-abilities).


Thank you, I will check to see what the extension is - I haven’t noticed. I’ll also try to copy it into the later version - but I think I may have tried this already and been unable to. The formatting of it is pretty jacked up - I think multiple people had their fingers in it before sending it on down to the users, and the parts that are locked to editing don’t copy well. But I’ll give it another go!


Genius! Yes, the document I’m having trouble with was definitely created in old MS Word. When I clicked on Track Changes in the specific child’s report I’m in right now, it prompted me to Convert to the new version. I did, but the button is still grayed out. However, as a further variable, I’m doing this at home and things are always different with interfaces and documents at home than they are at in the office - we’ve all noticed it. I’ll keep messing around with versions and get something figured out - I’m pretty sure you’ve figured this out! (And yes, we can see versions through SharePoint, but I want to be able to share specific suggestions and have people be able to accept or reject those suggestions - only Track Changes will do!)


Update - I am unable to copy and paste large sections from the original document to a new one. They’ve locked it. I’m going to try to just recreate the parts I can’t copy.

I’d like to mark this as resolved, but that little box isn’t coming up for me right now, when I click on the 3 dots.


Solved option enabled for Windows category.


As a final update - it was definitely a problem with compatibility. Even when the template was Converted or Saved as an MSWord 2010 docx, it still wouldn’t track changes. I think this is an MSWord problem. I am now recreating the template in 2010 and Track Changes is available. Having a fun time learning this version’s Forms functions! Whee! Thanks, Muzzin!