About the Windows category


Welcome, Windows users!

Although Windows is by far the most popular desktop operating system, it is also occasionally… self-destructing. If your Windows is about to self-destruct — or you simply can’t remember how to change your desktop background to that cute picture of a kitteh playing the accordian — ask away!

If you are an experienced Win-ner and would like to answer other people’s questions, please do so. If you consistently contribute, I may add you to the Windows team and get you a cool — nay, downright splufty — new badge to lord over your inferior peers.

Some sample questions:

  • What’s the difference between ASCII and Unicode?
  • What is a “compressed (zipped) folder” and how do I open one?
  • How do I clear my history? :rolling_eyes:
  • What’s a “Blue Screen of Death” or “BSD”?
  • Why did my computer stop asking me to upgrade to Windows 10?
  • What are the advantages of using Windows 10?

Before asking a question, it may be helpful to collect basic information about the computer in question. To assist you in doing so, I’m developing a software assistant to gather such information automatically. To protect your privacy, no data is automatically shared with anybody, even myself. Instead, you have the option of either saving the results as a text file for attaching to your post, or simply copy/pasting the information into askMuzzin.
This software is still quite early in development, and will change frequently and drastically.

Click here to download CompAssist.

Network and Boot Issues